Institute for the Frontier of Attosecond
Science and Technology (iFAST)
10/24/2017 Published in Nature Communications: "High-harmonic generation in amorphous solids"
11/14/2016 2016 Joint Attosecond MURI Annual Meeting
7/20/2016 Paper by Professor Zenghu Chang among the top downloads of the Journal of the Optical Society
4/6/2016 Professor Zenghu Chang receives Pegasus Professor award
iFAST is dedicated to research, education and outreach of attosecond physics and optics. Our mission is to:
Provide unique opportunities for faculty, scientists and students from COS and CREOL to closely collaborate in attosecond science research.
Create and disseminate new knowledge in attosecond physics by conducting, presenting, and publishing cutting-edge fundamental and applied research.
Develop next generation attosecond lasers for technology transfer and creating jobs in the State of Florida and the nation.
Director: Dr. Zenghu Chang
Contact Webmaster © University of Central Florida
4000 Central Florida Blvd. Orlando, Florida, 32816 | 407-823-6800